2013 International Space Syntax Symposium, Seoul, Korea
31 October ~ 3 November, 2013
The Space Syntax symposia are now recognised as an established event on the calendar of international architectural research, a tradition that combines a scientific inquiry with architectural innovation, creativity and excellence. This combination is at the heart of the organiser's intentions for the Seoul symposium who will extend this tradition into 2013 and beyond. Each symposium takes on the relevant issues of contemporary urban environments and the demands of space and sustainability in our living cities.
Seoul is a mega city where a rich history co-exists with contemporary modern living. It is a place where you can enjoy a day as "Alice" in "Wonder-Seoul-land", wrapped up in the mystical beauty of the historical Chosun dynasty in the morning and in the afternoon take a stroll down the bustling streets full of micro sized bars where poets and writers from the last centuries would have inscribed their love and passion into the memories of the space, alleyways, old cinemas and pavements in a maze of wonder and weathered memories.
Seoul is a city on the move with world leading technology embroidered into our daily lives. It is a place where Mobile Internet technology is central to everything we do and virtual communities exist in the corridors and avenues of social networks representing the dynamic way that our environments are evolving. Our businesses, workspaces and homes are fully connected and we interact with surfaces, materials and screens like never before. Our social interactions of facing dynamic structural change and so too are the buildings and streets that we occupy and move through.
The last decade has developed at a pace and brought about a rapid transition of urban systems, structures, materials and form as the community evolves and embraces the change and demands of ever greater efficiency, flexibility and re-useability in design, operation and building usage. The central theme is about harmony, balance and sustainability. How to maintain financial integrity in the dynamic and complex environment that is contemporary urban planning? What are the limits of sustainability and how far can we extend the notion of urban balance and the eco-systems that are being created in our cities.
In Seoul we face the endless cycle of decline, revival, resurrection and change as we refresh and renew the face and heart of our city and its surrounding areas. Our journey will never be completed but will take many directions as each generation takes on the challenge. The Space Syntax experience in Seoul takes on this challenge and will inspire its guest's and professionals of architecture and urban design. This occasion provides a melting pot of contemporary ideas and new perspectives where opinions and visions may form together in a kaleidoscope of opportunity and inspiring ideas.
